Food for disease Cats

Cats And Heat: What Temperature is Too Hot For Cats? (2024)

It is useful for each responsible owner to know what normal body temperature should be in cats. This most important indicator is the main indicator of health, helping to identify the disease before dangerous changes occur. The arising deviations are not always explained by pathology; therefore, in addition to the body temperature of the cat, it is necessary to take into account the accompanying symptoms and the general condition of the pet. Read the full article to know “Cats and Heat”.

What Temperature is Normal for Cats?

In Little Kittens

The temperature in the newborn kitten coincides with the maternal one. In the first three weeks, it gradually decreases to 35.5-36.5 ° C. The baby’s thermoregulation mechanism is still being formed, so such fluctuations are absolutely normal.

From the 3rd week, the indicator begins to increase, reaching 38.5-39.5 ° C in 3-4 months. The temperature in the kittens is higher than in adult animals. This is due to active growth and mobility, requiring a lot of energy.

In Adult Animals

Normally, body temperature in adult cats and cats is 37.5-38.9 ° C. It is important to remember about the individuality of the indicator. In addition to sex and age, the size of the animal also affects it. The more they are, the less heat is required to heat and maintain internal processes.

If your pet’s norm is 38.9 ° C, then a deviation of up to 39.2 ° C is not dangerous for him. The opposite situation is typical for a cat whose usual temperature is 38 ° C. For her, the value of 39.2 ° C is an alarm bell, which requires a mandatory examination by a veterinarian.

The most dangerous values ​​are below 37 ° C and above 40 ° C. They are always associated with pathology and require emergency assistance from the owner.

How to Measure a Cat’s Body Temperature?

For measurements, a rectal thermometer is used. It is recommended that you purchase a device designed specifically for animals. Conventional mercury thermometers are dangerous, as they can be damaged right in the anus.

To measure, you will need:

  •  Find an assistant. Cats do not like suspicious manipulations with their bodies. Without a partner, it won’t be easy to fix the pet without harming it.
  •  Treat the end of the thermometer with an antiseptic and lubricate with petroleum jelly.
  •  Fix the cat lying on its side or standing with one of its hands under its stomach. With your free hand, you need to carefully hold the neck, fixing the position of the head. Too aggressive a pet can be wrapped in dense fabric to prevent injuries from teeth or claws.
  •  Lubricate the animal’s anus with petroleum jelly. Fat cream is also suitable.
  •  Carefully raise the tail of the cat and introduce the device by 2-3 cm with rotational movements. The depth of entry depends on age. 0.5-1 cm is enough for kittens. The main thing is to immerse the metal or rubberized tip inside.
  •  Wait for a signal from an electronic thermometer or detect 3 minutes.
  •  Treat the device with an alcohol-containing solution after removal.

Reasons for High Temperature

  • Recently undergone surgery or vaccination. The temperature jump occurs due to the fault experienced by the body’s stress or activation of the immune system. Its duration should not exceed three days. Otherwise, contact your veterinarian.
  •  Prolonged stress. In addition to the excitement after the operation, unpleasant feelings can be explained by the very process of visiting the veterinary clinic. Stress is also caused by the long road in transport, swimming, moving, the appearance of a new family member, and other exciting events.
  •  Taking medications that affect the mechanism of thermoregulation. Before treatment, the veterinarian must clarify all side effects, including temperature fluctuations.
  •   Pregnancy. During pregnancy, the body works to the limit of its capabilities, supporting the life of the mother and her cubs. An increase in the thermal index accompanies this.
  •  Increased activity. Active games and home runs take a lot of energy, so the pet needs extra energy.
  •  Recent feeding. For digestion, too, energy is expended, which means they need more than at rest. The energy produced by the body turns into heat.
  •  Keep in a cold room. The temperature of a kitten depends on the environment. If it freezes, then its body can warm up to 40 ° C. Newborns should warm the room to 31 ° C, and after they reach three weeks – up to 24 ° C.

How to Bring Down the Temperature

For minor changes, a repeat measurement should be carried out after a few hours. If the thermometer immediately shows 40 ° C or values ​​close to it, then you need to act immediately. In this situation, you can try to lower the number on the thermometer in the following ways:

  •  Place the animal in a cool and ventilated area. Open doors and windows so as not to restrict the flow of air.
  •  Wetting the coat. Wet the pet’s fur coat with water or wrap it with wet gauze.
  •  Applying a cold compress. Dampen a towel or napkin with cold water and place them on your neck, inner thighs, and groin. Change the compress when heated. Instead of water, you can use ice cubes wrapped in a dense fabric.
  •  Drink plenty. If the cat refuses to drink himself – solder it from the syringe.
  •  Lubrication of the pads. Use a solution of vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3.

How to Raise the Temperature?

With hypothermia, the owner’s main task is to warm his pet in any way. This will require:

  • Bring the animal from the street into a warm room protected from drafts;
  • dry wet hair with a towel or hairdryer;
  • Wrap the cat with a warm blanket and cover it with a heating pad (regular plastic hot water bottles wrapped in a thick cloth are also suitable);
  • Soler your pet with warm water, milk or broth.

I hope you like” Cats and Heat.”

Jenifer Miona

Dr. Jenifer Miona is a highly skilled and compassionate veterinarian based in Ireland. With a passion for animal health and wellbeing, she has dedicated her career to providing the highest standard of veterinary care to pets and their families. After completing her veterinary degree at the University of Dublin, Dr. Miona went on to specialize in small animal medicine. She has since gained extensive experience in all areas of veterinary care, including routine check-ups, surgical procedures, and emergency treatments. In her clinic, Dr. Miona is known for her gentle and compassionate approach to patient care. She takes the time to listen to the concerns of pet owners and develops personalized treatment plans to meet the unique needs of each animal. Beyond her clinical work, Dr. Miona is active in the veterinary community and stays up-to-date with the latest advances in veterinary medicine through ongoing education and professional development. She is a member of several professional organizations, including the Irish Veterinary Association and the European College of Small Animal Medicine. Outside of her work as a veterinarian, Dr. Miona is an avid animal lover and enjoys spending time with her own pets. She also volunteers at local animal shelters and is committed to promoting animal welfare through community outreach and education.

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